One of the first toys you can buy for your toddler is a push along toy. These toys are quite useful to encourage your child to take a stroll around the house.

Your child always watches you using a vacuum cleaner and lawn mower and wants to imitate you. Push along toys give him the opportunity to do that.

In addition, they also help steady the first steps of your child and guide her as she learns walking and build other gross motor skills.

Toddler push along toys available at amazing stores like Tiny Tiny Shop Shop are especially helpful in teaching kids more about the functions and movements of his body.

Indirectly they also demonstrate them concepts like cause and effect – if I push, the toy moves.

1. Unique Push Toys

You may prefer a push along toy to the typical pram or buggy for taking your child out in a park, to do every day errands or just for a walk in the fresh air.

Even many kids love these brightly coloured push toys that offer them a sense of autonomy than a buggy or pram would.


Such a push along buggy is shaped like a car with a seat for your baby and a steering wheel as well as a horn to toot. It even has a storage compartment wherein your child can stow all her tiny treasures.

It has also got safety features including a safety belt to secure the baby and also a detachable handle on the backside for guiding and controlling the little vehicle.

Parents can even keep their keys, an extra diaper, a napkin etc. in the little trunk.

Another unusual push along toy is a wagon that can accommodate a toddler or two and parents can take them out.

After returning, your toddler can use the wagon to push along her dolls, other toys and valuables, or even a younger sibling or friend.

2. Toys to Push Along

You can even buy various toys instead of a seating arrangement which your toddler can push along like durable push along toys from Tiny Tiny Shop Shop like these cats, doggy, baby lion, elephant, frog, waddle ducks and penguins, and more.

Toys to Push Along

Another fun toy to push along is this roller rattle which your child will find amazing because it will make sound while moving, as kids love to make noise.

Another fun noise-making toy is this cute snail with an amazingly colourful removable shell which will rattle when your child will pull it. This is fantastic for developing listening, natural observation and gross motor skills.

An activity walker is also a great idea because it offers a number of activities like arranging blocks and stacks, sliding beads and spinning balls and prisms. Later when she’ll try to walk it will help her to do it.

Another superb push along toy for a little girl is a doll stroller. She will enjoy a lot when you’ll take her to the supermarket and walk with a cart, she too will have her own little cart with a doll in it.

3. More Toddler Push Along Toys

Once your baby is a bit steady on his feet, you can give him another type of push along toys that he’ll enjoy, such as this cute, brightly coloured pull crocodile that wiggles while being pulled.

Or he will also enjoy this Grantton The Clown or Paf The Giraffe!

While finding push along toys for your baby, you have countless choices with which you can make your baby’s world utmost amusing and colourful. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get them for your little bundle of joy!